Survey of the Image Dehazing Using Colour Attenuation and Dark Channel Techniques

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Shubham Verma, Er. Geet Kiran


Fog is primaryreasonwhich degradesexternal images. Engenders toward the camera, a bit of the light meets these suspended particles. We analysed distinctive haze related highlights in a learning structure to recognize the best element mix for picture dehazing. Haze occurs due to suspended particles, like minerals, sand, also, microscopic fish that exist in waterways, seas, and lake. Reflected light via objects induces toward the camera, a touch of the light meets these suspended particles. We broke down unmistakable dimness related features in a learning structure to perceive the best component blend for picture dehazing. We also reviewed previous research done by experts and their proposed theories. Furthermore we studied the process of haze removal and few techniques used for dehazing.

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How to Cite
, S. V. E. G. K. (2018). Survey of the Image Dehazing Using Colour Attenuation and Dark Channel Techniques. International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science &Amp; Communication Engineering, 4(4), 115–119. Retrieved from