Octagonal Split Ring H Shape DGS Based MIMO Antenna for Wireless Applications

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Shiddanagouda.F.B, P.V.Hunugund, Vani. R.M


In this paper octagonal split ring H shape DGS (Defected Ground Structure) based microstrip patch MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) antenna is presented. The proposed MIMO antenna consists of four ports rectangular patch and electrically small size 62.8x60x1.6mm3, with inexpensive FR4 substrate of a dielectric constant of 4.4. The ground plane is a defected ground structure (DGS) having a number of complimentary octagonal split ring DGS (COSRDGS) windows are arranged in H shape under the patch. The proposed MIMO antenna resonate at 5.9GHz frequency and for its isolation -17.9dB, with overall bandwidth 369MHz and it supported data rate of 18.14Gbps with maximum ECC (Envelope Correlation Coefficient) is less than 0.03 and VSWR is 1.31. The result of this proposed MIMO antenna system shows a good isolation, bandwidth and high data rate with low envelop correlation coefficient which is promising for wireless application systems.

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How to Cite
, S. P. V. R. (2018). Octagonal Split Ring H Shape DGS Based MIMO Antenna for Wireless Applications. International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science &Amp; Communication Engineering, 4(4), 650–653. Retrieved from http://www.ijfrcsce.org/index.php/ijfrcsce/article/view/1585