Profit Analysis of a Warm Standby Non-Identical Units System with Single Server Subject to Priority

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Ashok Kumar
S. C. Malik
Dheeraj Pawar


The present paper deals with the profit analysis of a warm standby non-identical (one is main unit another is duplicate unit) units system with single server. The model consists of two non-identical units –one is operative and the other kept as warm standby and one unit is sufficient to make the system in operative mode. The main unit may fail directly from normal mode and the warm standby unit can fail owing to remain unused for a longer period of time. There is a single server, who gives priority to repair of the main unit over the repair of the duplicate unit. The time is taken to repair activity by the server follows negative exponential distribution whereas the distributions of unit are taken as arbitrary with different probability density functions. The expressions of various efficiency measures are analyzed in steady state using semi-Markov process and regenerative point technique. Also, taking the arbitrary values for the parameters (i.e. ?, µ, ? and ?) to delineate the behavior of some important performance measures to check the efficacy of the system model under such situations shown in the graphs.

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How to Cite
Kumar , A., C. Malik , S., & Pawar , D. (2018). Profit Analysis of a Warm Standby Non-Identical Units System with Single Server Subject to Priority. International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science &Amp; Communication Engineering, 4(10), 108 –. Retrieved from