An Efficient Medical Image Processing Approach Based on a Cognitive Marine Predators Algorithm

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Sunita Chaudhary


Image processing aims to enhance the image's quality such that it is simple for both people and robots to understand. Medical image processing and Biomedical signal processing have many conceptual similarities. Medical image processing involves evaluation, enhancement, and presentation. The focus of medical imaging is on obtaining photographs for both therapeutic and diagnostic reasons. In the existing Marine Predator Algorithm, different disadvantages are experienced when various automated optimization algorithms are used to the problem of ECG categorization. The proposed method follows the flow outlined here: data collection, image preprocessing using histogram equalization, segmentation using the Otsu threshold algorithm, feature extraction using the contour method, feature selection using the Neighborhood Component Analysis (NCA) algorithm, and Cognitive Marine Predator Algorithm (CMPA) as the proposed method. By using the Cognitive Marine Predators Algorithm (CMPA), base layers are fused to use the greatest feasible parameters, producing enhanced high-quality output images. Finally, the image processing performance is analyzed. The proposed approaches overcome the drawbacks of existing algorithms and increase the quality of medical images efficiently. 

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How to Cite
Chaudhary, S. . (2022). An Efficient Medical Image Processing Approach Based on a Cognitive Marine Predators Algorithm. International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science &Amp; Communication Engineering, 8(1), 08–14.


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